Grand Opening of Aghurmi Mosque & the Shali Fortress in Siwa Oasis, Egypt

The Shali village is a historically distinct piece of architecture. The mosques and houses there are more than 800 years old. Dating back to the Coptic, and Islamic eras.

The Shafi’i Mosque, after the completion of its restoration and maintenance project and Friday prayers, were held there. The two ministers and the governor visited the project of restoring and raising the efficiency of the“Quba” of the Imam Al-Shafi’i, which began in March 2017 under the supervision of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, with funding from the American Ambassadors Fund at an estimated cost of 20 million Egyptian pounds.

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The first phase of the restoration project was completed in 2018. The second phase of the project started in 2019, and nearly 65% of it was completed. It is worth mentioning that, the Imam Al-Shafi’i Mosque was built during the reign of Khedive Muhammad Ali Tawfiq in 1399 AH/1892 AD. It follows the style of covered mosques and is constructed of limestone with a wooden roof and a square sistle in the middle. Attached to the mosque is a Quba dating back to the Ayyubid era.


Egypt Opens A Brandnew Museum At Cairo Airport


Some Of The Top And Off The Tourist Track Things, To Do While In Luxor, Egypt