The Pyramids of Abu Sir, Egypt

The site of Abu Sir contains several pyramids which were built in the 5th Dynasty, just after the magnificent pyramids of the 4th Dynasty at Dahshur and Giza. These 5th Dynasty pyramids were inferior in their construction to that of the pyramids of the 4th Dynasty, and consisted of a core of blocks of roughly hewn limestone packed with mud-brick mortar and rubble, finally faced with polished limestone which originally resulted in a finely finished appearance. The site of Abu Sir is located just to the west of the Nile, as is the site of Giza, and is situated well above the water level of the River Nile. Abu Sir is really an extension of Saqqara located to its north. Although the design and workmanship of these pyramids are inferior to that of the earlier pyramids at Giza, their mortuary temples were more elaborate than those at previous pyramid complexes and included magnificent painted reliefs, majestic columns and long covered causeways. These temples have yielded useful information describing the workings of the pyramid complex in ancient Egypt.

The main large pyramids at Abu Sir are those of the Kings Sahure, Niuserre, and Neferirkare. Also present is the remains of a smaller pyramid of a Queen, named Khentawes who may have been the mother of Neferirkare. Others include the unfinished pyramid of Raneferef and another unfinished pyramid, possibly belonging to King Shepseskare.
Sahure's was the first pyramid built on the site, followed by the Queen Khentawes, Neferirkare, then Raneferef. Later the King Niuserre added his pyramid to the group, placing it between the pyramids of Sahure and Neferirkare. Shepseskare probably ruled for only a short duration after the reign of Raneferef, but little is known about this king or the unfinished pyramid which may have belonged to him.

North and west of the Abu Sir pyramids lie several Sun Temples which belonged to Niuserre and yet another 5th Dynasty King, Userkaf.


Temple of Niuserre and Abu Ghurab, Egypt


The Pyramid of Neferirkare, Abu Sir, Egypt