What do you know about Salah Al-Din and the Citadel of Salah Al-Din
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Salah Al-Din better know as Saladin, was an ingenious and overly ambitious leader who succeeded in changing the fortune of Egypt and in creating a new dynasty. The last decade of the Fatimid period were characterized by the long but weak reign of Khalif al-Muntasnir (1036-94), who ascended the throne when only seven years old, as well as by an incredible number of viziers (27 from 1060 to 1066), who were appointed with the hope of overcoming serious domestic coup, which only Vizier Badr Al-Gamali managed to quell. The siege of the city in 1168 by troops of the Amaury of Jerusalem ended with the burning of al-Fustat and the intervention of the troops of the Sultan, Nur Al-Din who responded to Khalif Al-Adid’s plea for help.
The Citadel of Salah El-Din, Cairo, Egypt
He reorganized the country’s administration and army, restored the dominion of Sunni Islam in Egypt, and conquered Jerusalem. Saladin also introduced new institutions such as the madrasas (Koranic schools). During his reign Al-Qahira (Cairo now) was no longer merely Khalifate residence, which was its role under the Fatimids, but became a true metropolis, with over 120,000 inhabitants and occupying an area of 300 hectares (in the same period Florence covered no more than 100 hectares).
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Saladin was always concerned with the security of Egypt, in order to protect himself from both the Crusaders and domestic enemies he created major defensive structures; such as the Citadel, the chief Ayyibid fortification, and the massive wall linking Al-Qahira (Cairo) and Al-Fustat region).
Saladin died in 1193 in Damascus, Syria. His successors kept power until 1250. Most attractive trip you will explore in amazing Cairo, rich with history. Egypt tours.
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